State Urban Development Agency ( SUDA )


State Urban Development Agency was set up in 06 July 2001 with a view to ensuring proper implementation and monitoring of the centrally assisted programmes for generating employment opportunities and alleviation of poverty throughout the State. SUDA is a Society registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860.


Objectives of SUDA

  1. To identify the urban poor in the state
  2. To draw up plane and formulate schemes for upliftment of the urban poor in the state.
  3. To  implement schemes for the benefit of the Urban poor either directly or through other agencies engaged in this direction ,whether private, public or cooperative.
  4. To review the progress of the execution of these activities as well as effectiveness of the benefits directed towards the urban poor.
  5. To set up or establish any specific service such as training facilities, infrastructural ect. In furtherance of the economic interest of the urban poor


Existing Staff of SUDA